Chapter 14. DocBook XML DTD and XSLT stylesheets

Table of Contents
Get the files
Install the DocBook XML DTD
Install the DocBook XSLT stylesheets
The first steps with DocBook
Further Reading
Create "real" documents with widely used DTD and stylesheets

The DocBook XML DTD is the XML counterpart of the DocBook SGML DTD and tries to match the latter as close as the differences between SGML and XML permit. With a few caveats, it is generally possible to migrate any DocBook SGML document to XML and vice versa.

Although you could also use DSSSL stylesheets and a DSSSL engine to transform your XML documents, XSLT has superseded DSSSL in the realm of XML. Fortunately Norm Walsh provides also an XSLT equivalent of his modular DSSSL stylesheets, so at least for the HTML output there is not much difference in the rendering.

Get the files

  1. DocBook XML DTD

  2. docbook-xsl The XSLT stylesheets

Note: In contrast to the DSSSL stylesheets, the XSLT stylesheets contain their documentation in the same archive, so you don't have to download them separately.