Install xslide

  1. Extract the xslide archive

    Extract the xslide archive into a temporary directory like c:\temp.

  2. Copy Emacs lisp files to the Emacs site-lisp directory

    Copy all .el files and the file xslide-initial.xsl to your common Emacs site-lisp directory, e.g. C:\Programs\emacsen\site-lisp

  3. Byte-compile the Emacs lisp files

    In Emacs, run the following commmand Alt-x byte-compile-file path/to/xslide-file in turn for each of the files xslide.el, xslide-abbrev.el, xslide-data.el, xslide-font.el, xslide-process.el.

  4. Modify _emacs

    Insert the following code into your _emacs file:

    ;; XSL mode (using the xslide package)
    (autoload 'xsl-mode "xslide" "Major mode for XSL stylesheets." t)
    ;; Turn on font lock when in XSL mode
    (add-hook 'xsl-mode-hook
    (setq auto-mode-alist
        '("\\.fo" . xsl-mode)
        '("\\.xsl" . xsl-mode))
    ;; Uncomment if using abbreviations
    ;; (abbrev-mode t)