Ellman Assay

Markus Hoenicka


UT Houston Medical School

Integrative Biology and Pharmacology

Version: $Date: 2005/01/26 20:24:06 $ $Revision: $

Status: DRAFT


Determination of total sulfhydryl groups, protein-bound sulfhydryl groups, and free sulfhydryl groups in biological samples using DTNB (Ellman's reagent). Sensitivity 50 µM to 1000 µM.

Sedlak J, Lindsay RH (1968) Anal. Biochem. 25:192-205.


5,5'-Dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB); MW 396.3; Sigma D-8130

Ethylenediaminetetraacetate, tetrasodium salt, dihydrate (EDTA); MW 416.21; 99 %; Sigma ED4SS

Glutathione (GSH); MW 307.3; 99 %; reduced; Sigma G-4251

Methanol; p.A.; J.T. Baker 8045

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA); 72 %; unknown unknown

Triethanolamine-HCl (TEA); MW 185.7; Merck 1.08357

Trizma Base; MW 121.1; Sigma T-1503


Microplate reader

Multichannel pipettors


RIA-tube racks


Stock solutions

Tris·HCl pH 8.2

24.22 gTrizma Basefinal: 30 mM
8.32 gEDTAfinal: 3 mM

Dissolve in 800 ml MilliQ. Adjust pH with 3 N HCl to 8.2. Add MilliQ to make 1000 ml. Store at room temperature.

Tris·HCl pH 8.9

48.44 gTrizma Basefinal: 262 mM
8.32 gEDTAfinal: 13 mM

Dissolve in 800 ml MilliQ. Adjust pH with 3 N HCl to 8.9. Add MilliQ to make 1000 ml. Store at room temperature.


1.86 gTEA20 mM

Add MilliQ to make 500 ml. Store at 4°C.


13.9 mlTCA10 %

Stir carefully into 70 ml MilliQ. Add MilliQ to make 100 ml. Store at room temperature.


29.7 mgDTNBfinal: 150 µM

Dissolve in 25 ml Methanol. Store at 4°C.

Fresh solutions

Glutathione stock

31.1 mgGSH20 mM

Add TEA to make 5 ml. Prepare fresh daily and keep on ice until used.


GSH standard

Add 950 µl TEA to 50 µl of Glutathione stock to make a 1 mM GSH stock. Prepare the following concentration series:

GSH standard concentration series

Conc. (µM)0501002505001000
GSH 1 mM (µl)02550125250500
TEA (µl)5004754503752500


Add the following components to RIA tubes:

20 µlSample/Standard
75 µlTris·HCl pH 8.2
25 µlDTNB
400 µlMethanol

Spin down samples at 3000 x g for 5 min at room temperature. Using a multichannel pipettor, transfer 3 x 90 µl supernatant into a flat-bottom microplate. Measure extinction at 412 nm.

Free SH

Use a V-bottom microplate to set up the following reaction:

50 µlSample/Standard
2 x 25 µlTCA

Spin down for 15 min at 1500 rpm and room temperature and keep the supernatant for later use.

Set up the following reaction in a flat-bottom microplate:

200 µlTris·HCl pH 8.9
20 µlDTNB
50 µlSupernatant from the TCA precipitation

Measure at 412 nm.

Protein-bound SH

Calculate the difference of the Total-SH and the Free SH.

Markus Hoenicka: ellman.sgml ($Date: 2005/01/26 20:24:06 $ $Revision: $)