dbslide demo

This is not yet the demo. This is just a helper page to start the demo and to tell you how to navigate through the demo.

A warning before you start

Before you get completely disappointed, I have to point out that dbslide relies on JavaScript/JScript and CSS. Due to vendor egoisms both standards are implemented incompletely and differently by most popular web browsers. Therefore things may not work as expected on your very browser. In general, the older the browser is, the lousier the features are implemented. Please see the instructions below for known issues.

Update: Most of the issues mentioned below and in the demo document for Netscape and Mozilla have been resolved in recent releases (Netscape 6.1 and later, Mozilla 0.9.4 and later). You should see the same stability as with MSIE.

How to run the demo

Once you follow the very conspicuous link below, a new browser window will open up. This will lack the menu, toolbar, and status bar. You should maximize this window for your viewing pleasure (this can't be done automatically, as it depends on your screen resolution).

The presentation consists of approx. 13 separate slides. You can walk through these slides with the following means:


The keyboard navigation is implemented in JavaScript/JScript. It works fine on MS Internet Explorer. It basically works in Netscape on Win32, but it ceases to work randomly. It does not appear to work at all in Netscape for Linux. Other browsers were not tested yet.

Mouse I

This mouse navigation is also implemented in JavaScript/JScript. Again, there were no issues found with MS Internet Explorer. For Netscape the same holds true as for the keyboard navigation: Most of the times it works, but better not rely on that.

Mouse II

If everything fails, there is still the navigation via DocBook-generated links. For design purposes these links are hidden, but they still work. Move your mouse to the top left corner, somewhat above the line. When the mouse cursor changes shape, you have detected the "prev" link that takes you back to the previous slide. On the top right corner, you'll find the "next" button.